Friday, February 4, 2011

Today...Was Great

Well, Today I didn't go to School! Why? Because My School SUCKS! All The Kids theyre are mean to our Teacher and she lets them cuss and is just crazy! Yesterday I got dressed coded for my WHOLE uniform(uniform school) Because My socks had dots on them,my shorts were to white, my undershirt had lace on it And Because My shirt was to Blue. How Retarded? My Mom Got Fabric In The Mail Today Its REALLY cute too! We Also Got Our WII! Its So Fun! We got a bundle so it came with 4 games and a couple other little things! Its Awesome:)
The picture is how I feel about school. Hahahahaha.


  1. WE GOT A WII?!?!?!?! :O YUSSSSS!!!! Put pictures dear...get them off google..or take a picture on your phone of your uniform or something? (:

  2. Its A Black One!! We Got like 5 games and a crap load of accessories!!:)<3
